Can creation help prove the existence of God.
Psalm 19:1-2 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge"
"The fact that at some point in our lives we will wrestle with this question, reveals that God has written into our souls a longing for there to be a God.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet, no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
Today I invite you to think with me for a moment on just how amazing the human body is and how truly incredible it is that we have such a diverse amount of living species that dwell among us.
Truly, it is mind blowing to think about.
The mighty king of the jungle, with his lion's mane and piercing eyes, and the force of his roar that causes dust clouds. Oh what a beast to stand in awe of - that is some force! Surely one to be reckoned with!
The lanky, spotted, long necked giraffe with legs standing six feet tall as well as their necks, and their hearts are a thumping two feet long - truly remarkable animals.
Did you know that despite the enormous size of a baleen whale, they typically have very small throats, roughly the size of a quarter? Or that a blue whale cannot swallow an object wider than a beach ball?
Did you know there was such a thing as a Venezuelan poodle moth? I sure didn't, but when you google, "Most unique animals in the world" you'll find him, along with many other amazing animals like the Saiga Antelope who is a goat-like small animal with a huge nose whose insides are very complex says National Geographic.
If you have time, hop on the internet and read up on some of God's unique species- or better yet - get out on nature walk and see what evidences of His handy work you can find on your own and then read up on them. The vastness of God's creative design amongst His creation is endless. Only One who has an intellectual mind could design such magnificent creatures of all sizes and shapes with such unique distinctions - and I have not even gotten to His prized creation - Humans.
Psalm 139:14, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
The greatest of all creations are the human race. Just think about your brain and all it is doing at one time- Our brain is the center of the most complex computer system - more wonderful than any "greatest computer system" built by man.
Have you ever thought about the complexity of your ear and how that operates? The sound we hear is being played on a perfect little musical instrument inside our ear. How amazing is that!
Every organ and every muscle, every hair and every cell, with life giving blood pulsing through your veins. Now add our diverse personalities, talents and interests - likes and dislikes - feelings and thoughts. The beauty of God's diverse color of skin tones and cultures. And in case you didn't already know this - you are a spiritual being with a soul and conscience - and knowing of what is right and what is wrong written deep with you that was meant to guide you to keep you safe.
All of this mixed together is truly a miracle that no human could create on their own - living beings this complex could not come from nothing - only One with supernatural power, intelligence, and creative purpose could design and form such unbelievable creatures.
The human body and all of God's uniquely formed living beings are wonderful creations, made with thought out purpose and design for life to coexist on this planet and to benefit each other and to point us to a Creator to be amazed and in awe of His goodness and beauty and power. The fact that animals and humans can coexist and how our bodies work, is a complete demonstration that they are the work of an intelligent and skillful designer, God Himself.
"So, God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27